Treehaven, Rownham Hill, Bristol
The existing house comprised just a bungalow with unpleasant large flat-roofed dormer extensions protruding from the roof. However the house was well-positioned on Rownham Hill with a large rear garden. The policy imposed by North Somerset Councilrestricted any extension to an increase of only 50% of the existing floor area. It required some very ingenious planning to fit four bedrooms including a master bedroom with an en-suite and dressing room with the restriction on the total floor area.
The layout of the house was cramped and did not take advantage of the extensive views. The hall and staircase were repositioned so that the sitting room could be rearranged and enlarged with sliding folding doors onto the garden. A new entrance porch created a formal access from the front. The bedrooms are partly within the roof slope with an oriel window to the master bedroom.
The delaminating roof tiles were replaced with new clay plain tiles to create an impressive enveloping roof. The mixture of bricks were unified with a coat of rough-cast render.
The ugly duckling bungalow has been transformed into an impressive and attractive family home.